"Contemporary Realism:  Cityscapes and Still Life"

Artist's Reception: Friday, August 15th  6:00 - 9:00pm

Show Dates: Friday August 15, 2014 - Saturday September 13, 2014

Location: Charley Hafen Jewelers Gallery - 1411 South 900 East  Salt Lake City, Utah  84105 

In this collection you will find diverse subject matter, but common to all is the inspection of ordinary if not utilitarian places and things.  Under the category of cityscapes you will find iconic Salt Lake landmarks, colorful storefronts and views of the city “from the alley.”  Each was chosen for the geometry of its composition, interesting architectural detail and juxtaposition of color.  Subjects come from Salt Lake City, New York City and Atlanta.
A still life is the close examination and usually precise depiction of a subject.  This collection of still life paintings takes the concept to the extreme, minimizing the context for the object(s) portrayed.  This is accomplished by employing a sharply contrasting backdrop of color with negligible detail.  In the vegetable series, the result creates an illusion that each specimen floats above the canvas.